The Unique Kooskia Internment Camp

In use during the years 1942-1945, the Kooskia Internment Camp held 265 Japanese men. During these years they worked in the camp as well as a labor force building the Lewis-Clark Highway that is still in use today. Here, they lived, slept, and worked far away from their families.

Executive Order 9066 placed over 100,000 people of Japanese ancestry into internment camps like the one at Kooskia. Signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, it went into immediate effect. Along with internment and work camps like Kooskia, there were concentration, isolation, and prison camps where the government kept Japanese people from the rest of the U.S. population. The camp of Kooskia, however, was different from other interment camps.

Whereas other camps contained both Isei (first generation Japenese immigrants) and Nisei (second generation Japanese-Americans), the internees of Kooskia were not American citizens but all resident aliens. Therefore, the United States government treated them as prisoners of war and their conditions and treatment were governed by the Geneva Convention. The internees also displayed a healthy amount of knowledge concerning their rights under the Geneva Convention, surprising the administrators at Kooskia. The internees there had more freedoms and privileges than any of the other internees in the other camps. For instance, there were no barbwire fences or guard towers because the location was quite remote, allowing the workers to walk about freely.

The Kooskia Scrapbook held at the University of Idaho documents these men working and building a life for themselves. The men not only worked, but they also played, relaxed and had plenty of leisure time and activities to fill that time. They could participate in several different sports available to them. There was softball, wrestling, foot racing, and table tennis. Other non-physical competitive activities were board games like checkers and go, a Japanese version of chess. Other recreational activities included boating, fishing, hiking, and more cultural activities like drawing, woodworking, stonecrafting, and weaving. They also read books and magazines, wrote letters and poetry to their families and each other, and they had access to movies. A last part of recreational living was the mixture of musical instruments available to the internees to play. These activities attest to the internees ability to make the best of a bad situation. What is not pictured in the scrapbook, however, are the pain, suffering, and inherent injustice that these and other internees faced.


Kooskia picnic
Kooskia picnic A number of the internees at the Kooskia Internment Camp Anniversary Picnic Source: Barton, Mickey. "Kooskia Internment Camp Anniversary Picnic, May 25, 1944." Digital image. Asian American Comparative Collection: The Kooskia Internment Camp Project. March 2016. Accessed December 7, 2017.
Kooskia Internment Camp
Kooskia Internment Camp A photograph of the Kooskia Internment Camp Source: Officer of the United States Government. "Kooskia Internment Camp." Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. November 30, 2014. Accessed December 7, 2017.
Men playing Board Games
Men playing Board Games Men from the Kooskia Internment Camp playing a board game. Source: Digital Initiatives, University Of Idaho. “Men Playing Board Games.” Digital image. University of Idaho Library Digital Initiatives. 2015. Accessed December 7, 2017.
Kooskia Internment Camp Sign
Kooskia Internment Camp Sign Administered by the US Department of Justice, this was the entry sign to the Kooskia Internment Camp Reservation. Source: Digital Collective, University Of Idaho. "Sign." U.S. Department of Justice Kooskia Internment Camp Reservation."." Digital image. Flickr. February 8, 2011. Accessed December 7, 2017.



Keven R. Mack, University of Idaho, “The Unique Kooskia Internment Camp,” Intermountain Histories, accessed October 22, 2024,